Helping Fellow Christians & Christian Organizations
bridge the gap between traditional office administration and modern technology.

I Do Digital Document Creation
From bulletin layouts, and Excel spreadsheets to newsletter publications, PowerPoint presentations, and fillable PDF forms – you are covered. Let me help you add a professional touch to all of your digital document needs for print or digital disbursement. I’ll design it, and you’ll print it. It will come to you ready to go.
- Newsletters
- Bulletins & Brochures
- Word Templates & Documents
- Spreadsheets
- Digital Forms
- PowerPoint Presentations
- Business Card Design
- and More
I Do Website Design & Development
Need a website that doesn’t look like hell? I’ll handle the build-out, but that’s not all… Christian Virtual Assistance will handle the management of your website, and server space and help you when things go horribly wrong. CVA will back up the site to an off-server location on a regular basis too. But that’s still not all…
- Website build-out & optimization
- Content optimization & updates
- Website Calendar Management
- Technical Support
- SSL & website security
- Domain management & MX records
- Troubleshooting
- Software Updates
- Learning Center Development
- and More

I Offer Other Services Too...
You know that digital media involves so much more than just a web site or document creation and management, right? I offer other services too!
- Bulk Email & List Management
- GSuite for NPO's setup & management
- Email Platform Automation Development
- API Data Integration
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16
Some of My Clients
Meghan’s Place, founded in 2017, is a non-profit, private club serving young adults with disabilities in Hutchinson, Minnesota.
Mona Hjerpe, DirectorMeghans Place
Christian VA (Karen E.) continues to serve our organization with care and professionalism. She is up on the latest technology, does amazing design work, and is responsive to our needs in terms of timeliness and the messages we seek to convey to our members.
Pastor Randy Freund, Director
Augustana Districtwww.augustanadistrict.org
Augustana Districtwww.augustanadistrict.org
CVA re-worked our website, It's now eye-catching, easy to use and ready for increased interaction with visitors. Thank you, Christian VA!
Life In Grace Ministry
Odessa TXwww.lifeingrace.net
Odessa TXwww.lifeingrace.net
New Hope Mission Society was formed in 2002 after a mission trip to India.
Our mission statement is:
New Hope Mission Society
Hutchinson Mnwww.newhopemissions.org
Hutchinson Mnwww.newhopemissions.org
CVA did a fantastic job of updating our digital image and website! A new logo, color scheme, and the simplified site looks great and is easy to navigate.
Hope Lutheran Church
Midland TX www.midlandhope.org
Midland TX www.midlandhope.org
We teach and respond to the love of the Triune God. Salvation is for those who hear this Good News and believe it, for they have the eternal life that it offers. God creates faith in Christ and gives people forgiveness through Him. Our congregation accepts and proclaims the Bible-based teachings of the Lutheran Confessions as the correct interpretation and understanding of the Bible. These teachings can be summarized in three short phrases: Grace alone, Scripture alone, Faith alone.
Pr. Becky Hand
Faith Fellowship Church
Odessa TXwww.faithfellowshipodessa.org
Faith Fellowship Church
Odessa TXwww.faithfellowshipodessa.org
Karen does our weekly worship bulletins and announcements, the monthly newsletters and websites for each congregation, and our worship PowerPoints. I am continuously amazed by her work and how fast she does it. I highly recommend CVA.
Pr. Maxwell WhiteheadOur Saviors & Spring Valley Lutheran Churches
Viborg SD
Viborg SD
We would like to thank CVA for all the amazing support that you have given our Pastor, church council, and office staff over the past several months. We deeply appreciate your guidance and assistance to move forward with building a better website and streamlining much of our office duties. We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.
Kayla Moe, SecretarySt. Johns Lutheran Church
Springfield MN
Springfield MN